40th Anniversary – Thank You!

A huge Thank You to those who attended, and to those who could not come but supported the Eszterlánc 40th Anniversary Gala on 11 November 2017, where we presented a collage of our past, present and future.

The Gala had Eva Kish, the founder of Eszterlánc as Guest of Honor. As part of the show, alumni and current members of Eszterlánc, as well the Mazsola children danced together, demonstrating the continuity of Hungarian folk traditions.

Haza is kéne már menni

Haza is kéne már menni,
vajon mit fognak szólani,
sötét az ég alja, babám, kísérj el haza,
megszolgálom én azt valaha.

A mezei kis pacsirta
mind a két szemét kisírta,
sírok én magam is, sír az én galambom is,
lehajlik előttem az ág is.

Valamennyi gácsér, ruca
mind kunkorú annak farka,
valamennyi magyar lány, piros pántlika haján
szeret is az engem igazán.

Looking Back 40 Years…

Eszterlánc Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year. Mazsola, our children’s dance ensemble, is celebrating its 10th Anniversary.

Eszterlánc is a highly visible and tangible representation of Hungarian folk culture. Through dance, costume, and music, the ensemble brings the Hungarian experience to life. Mazsola, our childrens’ folk dance ensemble, carries this tradition to our community’s children as well.

Please join us on Saturday, November 11 from 3:00pm-6:00pm as we present a collage of our past, present and future. Doors will open at 2:00pm and we will also have a closing reception from 6:00pm-7:00pm.
The schedule, in addition to two Acts and an intermission, will include time to purchase commemorative videos & t-shirts as well as Eszterlánc water bottles, a variety of beverages, snacks and homemade pastries so please bring cash or checks. But the celebration doesn’t end there! Your ticket to the Gala includes an evening Tánchaz (Dance House) taking place after the Gala from 8:00pm-11pm at The Priory – Verhalen Family “Black Box” Theater (302 Portola Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028).

There is plenty of free parking on site at both locations.

Tickets are available for purchase in person from any of your friendly Eszterlánc or Mazsola acquaintances as well as online. This event is recommended for ages 5 and up. Adult tickets are $20, children between the ages of 5-17 are $10.

We are working very hard to proudly showcase these past 40 years and hope that everyone will get the chance to attend and see these Hungarian experiences coming to life.

Moldvai Shouts / Rikoltások

Én Istenem, valaki
csak a színbe hína ki!
Onnan tovább nem mennék,
amit kérne, azt adnék!

Haragszik az édesanyám,
mér’ járok a lyányok után.
Ne haragudj, édesanyám,
utánad es így járt apám!

Eladom a ludamat,
kivigadom magamat!

Napvilág, holdvilág,
megbolondult a világ!

Kerek alma falapi,
szeret engem valaki.
De nem mondom meg, hogy ki,
Hogy ne tudja meg senki!

Csipkebokor, galagonya,
Kiszökött a nyírej monya!

Hozd ki, mámá, székecskét,
Ültessünk rá menyecskét!